Deposit your stones or jewellery on site

Deposit at LFG

You can drop off your stones or jewellery directly at our laboratory.

We are open Monday to Thursday, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, and Friday from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, without interruption.

Frequently asked questions

How to submit an order form ?

  1. Download the order form and fill in your details
  2. Choose the category of gem (coloured stone - diamond - pearl), tick the service you require and the timescale (if express, please call us to check if this is possible). In the deposit list, describe the gems or jewellery you are depositing.
  3. Tick the insurance box corresponding to your request and indicate the amount.
  4. Date and sign

How to send your stones or jewellery to the Laboratory?

Objects to be analysed can be sent by La Poste, in declared value :

Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie
30, rue de la Victoire – 75009 Paris

The declared value may not exceed 5000 euros and is deemed to be real as regards the deposit and insurance and/or custody by the laboratory during the period the object remains on its premises.

Please enclose:

  • The analysis Order form : download
  • La Poste's declaration of value form : download
  • Additional document if this is your first submission at the LFG:
    • If you are a professional: your Kbis dated within the last 3 months
    • If you are a private individual: your identity card

The processing time via La Poste's Declared Values (transport time + analysis) is two weeks.

Objects to be analysed can be sent by private carrier, at your convenience:

  • Use the carrier or ground conveyor of your choice (Fedex, Colissimo, Ferrari, Brinks, Malca Amit, temis ...)
  • Attach the order form to your shipment
  • Instruct your carrier to collect as soon as you receive the gemmological results

Before the items are returned, payment must be made by bank transfer or cheque on receipt of the pro-forma invoice by e-mail.

The full costs are payable by the depositor.

Your 1st deposit at the Laboratory?

To create your account at the LFG, you will be asked to provide the following documents:

  • For professionals: a kbis extract from the company related to the jewellery business and dating back less than 3 months
  • For private individuals: your valid identity card or passport

How to collect your gemmological order?

The deposit form is essential to collect the items. The Laboratory knows only the depositor, to whom this document has been given.

However, the name of a withdrawing third party may be communicated by the depositor, to withdrawing deposits. A power of attorney must then be issued to a third party by the depositor, who will inform the laboratory (please contact us).

In all cases, the person collecting the items must be in possession of a valid identity document. Objects are returned on payment of the costs of analysis and storage.