Our history

Almost 100 years of history

Founded in 1929, the Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie (LFG) is the oldest independent gemmological analysis laboratory.

Since 2010, it has belonged to the professional organisation UFBJOP (Union Française de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, Pierres et perles).


The creation

October 1929: The Syndicat des Négociants in diamonds, pearls, gemstones and lapidaries founded the Laboratoire Syndical de Contrôle of diamonds, natural pearls and gemstones.

1st accreditation

January 1931: The Fraud Control Department approves the Laboratoire Syndical de Contrôle, whose certificates are signed by the Special Inspector responsible, by ministerial decision, for the control of diamonds, pearls and precious stones.

Covered by the Chamber of Commerce

May 1935: The Paris Chamber of Commerce takes charge of the Laboratoire Syndical de Contrôle and manages it directly.

Change of name

24th of April 1936: A decree signed by the President of the Republic, Albert Lebrun, and published in the Journal Officiel on May 1st 1936, authorised the management and administration of the Laboratoire Syndical by the Paris Chamber of Commerce.
The Laboratory changed its name to the Service Public du Contrôle of diamonds, natural pearls and precious stones of the Paris Chamber of Commerce.

First move

1942: move to Tours during the Second World War

Taken over by the Union Française de la Bijouterie

17th of December 2010: The Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie (LFG) is taken over by the Union Française de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, des Pierres et des perles. The UFBJOP is the trade association representing all players in the industry: jewellers, traders, workshops, etc.

RJC Certification

30th of July 2013: the LFG obtains RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council) certification, a non-profit organisation that promotes and certifies at global level the responsible, ethical and environmental practices implemented at LFG.

ISO 9001 Certification

22nd of February 2018: the LFG obtains the ISO 9001 certification, based on several quality management principles: customer focus, management involvement, the process approach and continuous improvement.
This certification demonstrates the LFG's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

ISO 17025 Certification

04th of February 2021: The Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie is accredited by COFRAC (COmité FRançais d'ACcréditation) in accordance with the international standard ISO 17025 applicable to testing and sampling laboratories.
This ISO 17025 accreditation defines the requirements to be met in terms of quality and technical competence. It ensures that analyses comply with the quality system, that the LFG is scientifically competent and that results are accurate, reliable and of high quality.
The LFG has thus become the first and only international gemmology laboratory with so many certifications and accreditations.

Second move

23rd of March 2021: the LFG moves to new, more spacious premises at 30 rue de la Victoire to support its development and that of gemmology training.

Qualiopi Certification

16th of December 2021: the LFG Academy is Qualiopi certified, proof of the quality and professionalism of our training courses.