Accredited Analysis Reports for Reliable Gem Expertise
The full analysis and report highlighting opals unset or set on jewellery.
The date corresponds to the end of the analyses and the day on which the report is published.
The object specifies whether we have received a single stone, a batch or a jewel, and the type of jewel.
The shape, cut and measurements describe the external appearance of the stone. When you deposit a jewel with several stones, or batches, we note the diametrical variation of the batch.
The shape, cut and measurements describe the external appearance of the stone. When you deposit a jewel with several stones, or batches, we note the diametrical variation of the batch.
The weight of the stones is indicated in carats (1ct = 0.2 g) to two decimal places.
Rounding is done according to the 3rd decimal place: if it is less than 9 then no rounding, if it is equal to 9 then round up. For example: 0.9990 ct is 1.00 carat but 0.9989 ct is 0.99 carat.
If the jewel is set with stones, it is weighed in grams.
The colour gives an indication of the colour in the mass and the diffraction colours.
Find out more about colour designation
Scientific instruments used
N - No indication of treatments
The geographical origin indicated is an opinion of the Laboratory based on gemmological data (spectra, chemistry, inclusions).
The colour and dimensions of the object analysed are approximate.
Colours divided into areas with undefined contours
Numerous parallel polysynthetic macles, sometimes described as ‘straw’ patterns