Pearl Analysis Report

The full report

Accredited Analysis Reports for Reliable Gem Expertise

The full analysis and report highlighting single pearls, necklaces and other jewellery.


  • N° 00000
  • Paris, xx/xx/xxxx
  • Object
  • Earrings
  • Object

    The object specifies whether we have received a single stone, a batch or a jewel, and the type of jewel.

  • Total number of pearls
  • 2
  • Total number of pearls

    The LFG indicates the total number of pearls analysed.
    In the case of an object with several beads or a batch, the LFG will indicate the number of cultured beads and the number of fine beads analysed.

  • Shape, drilling, measurements
  • Shape, drilling, measurements

    The shape, drilling and measurements describe the external appearance of the pearl.

    When you deposit a jewel with several pearls, or batches, we indicate the diametrical variation of the batch.

  • Shape
  • Oval and drops
  • Drilling
  • Drilled and half-drilled
  • Colour
  • White and slightly cream
  • Colour

    The colour of a pearl will be defined by comparison with a standard colour set established for the LFG (by pearl merchants).

  • Measurements
  • See comments
  • Lustre
  • Good
  • Lustre

    Lustre is the degree of reflection and/or refraction of light on the surface of the pearl. The better the quality of the mother-of-pearl and the greater the thickness of the pearl, the greater the reflection and/or refraction of the light and the more intense the lustre will be.

    Excellent lustre can minimise other imperfections.

    Lustre is assessed by comparison with a standard set established for the LFG (by traders).

  • Mass
  • 20.50 g
  • Mass

    The weight of the stones is indicated in carats (1ct = 0.2 g) to two decimal places.

    Rounding is done according to the 3rd decimal place: if it is less than 9 then no rounding, if it is equal to 9 then round up. For example: 0.9990 ct is 1.00 carat but 0.9989 ct is 0.99 carat.

    In the case of jewellery set with stones, it is weighed in grams to two decimal places. The rounding rule that applies is the arithmetic rounding.

  • Comment(s)
  • Pearls examined on setting

    Pearl filled with foreign material ●

    a - 11.05 g - 12.9 - 14.8 x 17.1 mm env.

    b - 9.25 g - 11.4 - 11.5 x 18.3 mm env.

Scientific instruments used

  • Mass measurement
  • Normalised lighting
  • Microradiography
  • Mesurer
  • Ultraviolet lamps
  • Photography device
  • Microscope






N - No indication of treatment



The colour and dimensions of the object analyzed are approximate.